Our Partners & Supporters
The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) provides core funding through the Neighbourhood House Coordination Program to the Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre.
The Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) provides funding for our Adult, Community & Further Education (ACFE) courses. This includes our Cooking Up Jobs and Making a Change courses.
The Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre is located in the Ballarat South Community Hub, located at Phoenix P12 Community College. Together we manage the Hub to benefit the local community.
Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre manages the Delacombe Community Hub on behalf of the City of Ballarat.
The Jobs Victoria Work & Learning Centre is a Brotherhood of St Laurence program for Jobs Victoria funded by the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR).
Our Kitchen Social Enterprise relies on a large number of sponsors and donors. Its operations are currently underpinned by ACFE funding and a grant from the Ian Potter Foundation.
As a member of the Central Highlands Association of Neighbourhood Houses (CHANH) we work closely with the other neighbourhood houses in our region.
We share a Committee of Management with the Ballarat East Neighbourhood House and Wendouree Neighbourhood Centre.